Sovereign Military Order of Malta 

Six Italia Homepage

S.M.O.M - Villa Malta

S.M.O.M. Flag

Villa Malta (S.M.O.M.)

The Flag


DXpedition January 2nd-5th 2004

DXpedition July 14-24th 2000

6 Meter 1998 Activity

SMOM - Sovereign Military Order of Malta - is a fully independent entity with an ancient tradition and glorious history. Founded before the conquest of Jerusalem in 1099 by the crusaders, recognized in 1113 by Pope Pascal II, from 1310 to 1522 SMOM held the sovereignity of the island of Rhodes, and from 1530 to 1798 of the island of Malta. Then, after temporary Sees, the Order finally established itself in 1834 in Rome, where it holds several extraterritorial areas.Its members are known as the "Knights of Malta". Under the provisions of International Law, the Order mantains diplomatic relations with 64 countries in the world as well as with many international organizations.His most Eminent Highness the Prince and Grand Master of the Order rules over a world-wide organization dedicated solely, as its ancient tradition dictates, to providing assistance in the hospitaller, charitable and social fields. Regarding 1A0KM, which is located in the extraterritorial zone of "Villa Magistrale all'Aventino" in Rome, Italy, special thanks are due to the Grand Magistry for its assistance.

for more information about the S.M.O.M. visit:

DXPedition Supported By


(also HV0A & HV4NAC)

Qsl Manager (From 1.1.2004) :

IK0FTA - Sergio Roca
C.P. 7132
00162 Rome-Nomentano (Italy)

Some info about QSL REQUEST:

- QSO worked before 1994 CAN'T be confirmed.

- DON'T send QSL via bureau because they will be discarded.

- QSL request via e-mail will be ignored.

- QSL for activities between 1994 and 2000 can be requested ONLY DIRECT with SAE or SASE and they CAN'T BE SENT together with QSL-card about 2007. These cards will NOT be answered via the bureau in every case.

- Only for qso maded after the 1st January 2004, if you are not in a hurry to receive your QSL via direct, you could send QSL via direct without $ or IRC; in this way you will receive your QSL via bureau. At the same way, will be treated every QSL card sent via direct without self-addressed envelope and/or IRC or 2 US$ (due the low value one dollar it's no longer sufficient to send a letter also in Europe).

- To make the confirming task easier, I would very much appreciate if you will not ask for QSLs about QSO of different years in the same letter.

Thanks to all for your patience!

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