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Meeting "Magic Band"; Marina di Grosseto 22/2/97 

The third meeting "Magic Band" has been made in Marina di Grosseto - Hotel Tre Stelle the day 23rd of february 1997.

The meeting purpose was to found the Six Italia Group and to establish the target to adopt, starting with this year to publicize and encrease the six metres activity.

30 Italian radio amateurs where present coming from 5 differents regions.

The 1st point in the agenda was to read and underwrite the rules and to set the standards to became a member of the group.

To be a member of the group Italian Radio amateur (SWL) should be members of A.R.I., have the autorization to transmit on 50 MHz, to have made(on six metres band) qso with 10 members of the group and to have contacted 10 different countries.

Foreign applicants shoul have contacts with 7 members of the group in 3 different call areas or 3 different countries.

President of the group is Sergio - IK0FTA and vice-presidents are Ugo - I0CUT and Giovanni - IW0BET.

Arbiters where elect I2ADN - IK2GSO - IK0BAL - IK5DMH.

Three different flags was presented for the group emblema and the one presented by IK0BAL was selected.

After a very good meal the group decide to deliver the prizes for the 1st 50 MHz Contest Citta' di Grosseto.

One of the most important target for 1997 activity was to sponsorize the purchase and to send a set to transmit on six metres in a country where there are'nt operators on this band. For this project (we do'nt say exactly which one for superstition) IK4BHO says that he will give as a present one transverter 28-50 MHz and together with the Romagna group (I4CIL and co) will take care to arrange the set for the pilot equipment. IW5BML will give one antenna and IW5AVM will take contacts with the local authorities the realise this project.

Thanking IK5RLP and Grosseto ARI section for the hospitality the meeting was closed and amn appointment will be taken for the next meeting of the "SIX ITALY GROUP" in 1998.

Sergio - IK0FTA.

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