Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Apr. 28 - May 4, 2020

Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)

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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, 50 MHz DX News by OZ6OM, ARRL DX bullettin, Dxcoffe, DXNL,, ICPO, MMMonVHF, OPDX, &



May 3 - Morning: Es: 9A, DL, EA, EI, F, G, HA, LA, LZ, OE, ON, OZ, PA, SP, SV, SV9, TA, UT, Z3, ZA.
Afternoon: Es: 9A, CT, DL, F, G, HA, LA, LZ, OE, ON, OZ, PA, SM, SP, TA, UT, YO, ZA. Esmh: A7, A9. Evening: Es: EA, PA, S5, SP.

May 2 - Morning: Es: 4O, 9A, DL, F, G, HA, LZ, OE, OZ, SP, SV , TA, UT, YO, Z31. Afternoon: Es: DL, EA, EI, F, G, LA, OE, SP, SV, TA. Esmh: 9K Evening: Es: 5B, OD, SV, SV, TA.

May 1 - Morning: Es: 4X, 5B, 9A, CN, CT, DL, EA, F, G, LZ, S5, SV, SV9, TA, TK, Z3, ZB. Esmh: HZ. Afternoon: Es: CN, CT, EA, EA9, F, G, HA, Z3, ZB. Esmh: FG, HK4SAN, S01, VE1PZ, VE1SKY. Evening: Es: 9H, CT, DL, SV.

Apr. 30 - Morning: Es: 9A, 9H, EA, DL, F, G, LA, OZ, SV1, SV5. Afternoon: Es: 4X, 5B, EA, EA9, CT, G, S5, SU, SV, ZB2. Esmh: HZ, 9K, EA8, CT3, D4. Evening: Es: 5B, EA, EA9, CN8, CT, F, ZB. Esmh: EA8, CT3, CU, FG, KP4, PY4, TR8.

Apr. 29 - Morning: Es: DL, EA,EU, F, G, HA , LA, LY4, OH, OK, ON, OY, PA, SM, SP, TK, UT. Esmh: 9K, EY8MM, HZ (reported in i3 area).
Afternoon: Es: CT, DL, EA, G, HB9, LA, OE, OK, OM, OZ, PA, S5, SM, SP, SV, TA, UT. Esmh: EA8.
Evening: Es: G, EI, SM.

Apr. 28 - Morning: Es: EA, EA9, F, HA, OH, TK, UT.
Afternoon: Es: CT, EA.
Evening 6: Es: CT, EA, EA9, ZB, 7X.

Apr. 27 - Only Ms conditions.




TA7OM - Hudaverdi



HZ - Saudi Arabia - 03.05.20

A new beacon is teasting in HZ. HZ1DG/B is operational on 50.035,0. More info as soo as possible.


... -.-

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