Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Jun 9 -15, 2020

Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)

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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, 50 MHz DX News by OZ6OM, ARRL DX bullettin, Dxcoffe, DXNL,, ICPO, MMMonVHF, OPDX, &


Jun. 14 - Morning: Es: 4X, 5B, 9A, CN, CT, CU, DL, E7, EA,  HA,  LZ, OD, OE, OM, S5, SP, SV, TA, UA, UT. Esmh: 9M2, A6, A7, A9, BY, DU6, EY8, HZ, JA0/1, TA7/9, TR, TT, TZ, UN3/5/7/9, VK8, YB2.
Afternoon Es: 9A, 9H, C3, DL, E7, EA6, F, HB, LA, LZ, OD, OE, OK, OM, S5, SP, SU, SV, T7, TA, TZ, UT, YO, YU, Z3, ZA. Esmh: 4L, 6W, 9K, A6, A7, A9, EA8, HZ.
Evening: Es: 9H, EA, G, OD, S5, SP, SV, UT. Esmh: HZ.

Jun. 13 - Morning: Es: 9A, 9H, C3, DL, E7, EA, ER, ES, F, G, HB9, LX, LZ, OH, OK, OM, OZ, SM, SP, SV, TA, UA, UT, YO, YU, Z3.Esmh : BY4/5/6/7, BV, JA4/5/6/8, JT1, UN1/3/5/6/7/8, VY3, VK4, VR2.
Afternoon: Es: EI, G, HA, LZ, OH, OM, OY, SM, SP, T7, UT, YO, YU. Esmh: 4L, HZ, JT1, K1/3/4/8, UN3/7, VY3.
Evening: Es: OZ, G, EA, Esmh: K3/5/, P4, S0, UN7, ZF.

Jun. 12 - Morning: Es: C3, EA, LZ, OH, UT, YO. Esmh: BY4, JA1/7, JT.
Afternoon Es: CN, DL, G, SV, T7. Esmh: 9K, A4, EA8, HZ.
Evening: Es: CT, EA. Esmh: EA8, K1/2/3/4.

Jun. 11 - Morning: Es: 9A, C3, EA, OE, SP, YO. Esmh: JA7, TR, TT.
Afternoon: Es: CT, EA, HB, S5, T7. Esmh: EA8, TR, TT.
Evening: Es: G, HB, LA, OH.

Jun. 10 - No reported opening today.

Jun. 9 - Morning: Es: 9A, CN, CT , DL, EA, EU, F, G, LA, T7. Esmh: EA8, K1/3/4, TT, VY1/2.
Afternoon: Es: 9A, DL, EU, YU. Esmh: K1.
Evening: No reported opening.

Jun. 8 - Morning: Es: 4X, 5B,  CN, CT, CT, DL, EA, EA6, ER, EU, F,  G, LZ, OE, OK, OZ, PA, SM, SP, SV, TA1, UT, YO, YU, ZB. Esmh: 4S, A6,FG,J6, JA1/6/7, K1/3/8, TA2/5, VY1/2/3, VU2,
Afternoon: Es: 4X, DL, EA, F, FG, G, HA, OK, OZ, PA, SM, SU, SV9, UT, YO. Esmh: 8P, A7, A9, CO, HI, HZ, K1/2/3/4/8/9, KP2, KP4, VY/2/.
Evening: Es: EA, G.



3W3B/XV1X - Bruce and XYL



 D2 - Angola - 12.06.20

Gabriel, D2EB, has 6 meter capabilities and may soon be active from Grid Square JI61pe.  QSL via IZ3ETU.

HL - South Korea - 12.06.20

Han, DS2GOO and Lee, 6K2CEW will be signing their homecalls /4 between the 9th and 11th from Pogil Island (AS-085; Cholla-Namdo Province). QRV on 80-6m on CW, SSB, FT8, and other digital modes with 100W and wire antennas. QSL via homecalls.

JW - Svalbard - 12.06.20

Bjorn, LA5NUA and Jurn, LA5LUA are QRV as JW5NUA and JW5LUA, respectively. QSL via operators' instructions.

TT - Chad - 12.06.20

Nicolas, TT8SN has been active on 6 meters using FT8 just after 1000z. QSL via DL9USA.



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