Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Oct. 13-19, 2020
Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)
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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, ARRL DX bullettin, DXNL.
Oct. 18 - No reported opening.
Oct. 17 - No reported opening.
Oct. 16 - No reported opening.
Oct. 15 - No reported opening.
Oct. 14 - No reported opening.
Oct. 13 - No reported opening.
Oct. 12 - No reported opening.
GM4UYE- Hugh
9G - Ghana - 17.10.20
Tom, DL2RMC is QRV as 9G5FI and is here for at least one year.
J8 - St. Vincent - 17.10.20
Mac, 8P5AB is QRV as J88/8P5AB until December 3. Activity is on various HF bands using FT8 and VHF bands using various digital modes. QSL direct to home call.
JW - Svalbard - 17.10.20
Erwann, LB1QI is QRV as JW/LB1QI from Spitsbergen Island, IOTA EU-026, until October 18. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters using CW and SSB. QSL to home call.
OE - Austria - 17.10.20
Jo, OE6VIE is QRV with special event call sign OE65VIE from Styria until December 31 to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Austrian State Treaty. QSL via the bureau.
P4 - Aruba - 17.10.20
Members of the Aruba Amateur Radio Club are QRV as P42WW until October 31 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. QSL via P41G.
PA - Netherlands - 17.10.20
Special call PA5150EVH is QRV until January 31, 2021 to pay tribute to famous rock guitarist Eddie van Halen who was born in Amsterdam in 1955. QSL via PF1SCT.
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