Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Nov. 10-16, 2020
Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)
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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, ARRL DX bullettin, DXNL.
Nov. 15 - No reported opening.
Nov. 14 - No reported opening.
Nov. 13 - No reported opening.
Nov. 12 - No reported opening.
Nov. 11 - No reported opening.
Nov. 10 - No reported opening.
Nov. 9 - No reported opening.
A problem in our server put our site down for some hours... Sorry.
4U - United Nations - 14.11.2020
Special event station 4U75UN is QRV until the end of 2020 to celebrate the United Nation's 75th anniversary. QSL via HB9BOU.
F - France - 15.11.2020
Members of the Radio Club de Cestas (F6KUQ) operate TM30CDR between the 14th and 22nd around that same World Children's Day. QRV on HF, 6m, and 2m on CW, SSB, and FT8/4. QSL via F6KUQ.
ON - Belgium - 15.11.2020
OT2CARE draws attention to Belgian's latest efforts in epidemic-containment. QRV for 6 weeks on HF. QSL via bureau and ON6YX.
VU - India - 15.11.2020
Datta, VU2DSI will be active once again as AU2JCB from 20 November to 15 December to commemorate the birth date (30 November 1858) of Indian physicist and radio pioneer Jagadish Chandra Bose. Look for activity on 3710, 7040, 7150, 14210, 14250, 14310, 21235, 21310, 21350, 28490, 28510, 28545, 29700, 50800 and 51500 kHz. QSL direct to home call. Datta reports that other stations are expected to join the celebrations, including AU3JCB (QSL via VU2EVU), AU5JCB (QSL via VU2XPN), AU8JCB (QSL via VU3MZE) and AT2JCB (QSL via VU3ZHA).
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