Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Dec. 1-7, 2020
Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)
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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, ARRL DX bullettin, DXNL.
Dec. 6 - No reported opening.
Dec. 5 - No reported opening.
Dec. 4 - No reported opening.
Dec. 3 - No reported opening.
Dec. 2 - No reported opening.
Dec. 1 - No reported opening.
Nov. 30 - No reported opening.
TI2HAS - Hugo
3D2/R - Rotuma - 05.12.20
Tony 3D2AG wrote: "The "Rehanisi Memorial DXpedition" appears on track, with boat tickets in hand. Departure is scheduled for the 12th of December 2020, and return sometime mid-January 2021. Following a family function to remember our dear late son Rehanisi and put a tombstone on the grave, as time allows radio operations will take place 160m to 6m. Currently in process of securing some equipment, including a generator to take on the boat." Call will be 3D2AG/p
F - France - 02.12.20
The special event station TM13TLT draws attention to the annual French "Telethon" in support of research on genetic diseases. QRV on Dec. 4 and 5 on 80-6m (SSB, CW, FT8). Operators are F1CEP, F1MGC, F4IDB, F5JYS, F5RIJ, F6FEH, F6IXH, and F8IGA. QSL via F5RIJ.
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