Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Dec. 29, 2020 - Jan. 04, 2021
Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)
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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, ARRL DX bullettin, DXNL.
Jan. 3 - Morning: Ms/Es: 5B, 9A, DL, EA, F, G, HB, LA, LZ, OE, ON, OZ, PA, S5, SM, SP, YO.
Afternoon: Ms/Es: DL,EA,F,G,LA,OK,ON,OZ,PA,SP.
Evening: Ms/Es: DL,SM.
Jan. 2 - Morning: Ms: EA, F, G, OZ, PA.
Afternoon Ms: DL, F, PA, SP.
Evening: Ms: LA.
Jan. 1 - Morning: Es/Ms: 9H, F, OZ.
Afternoon: Es/Ms: DL, G.
Evening: Es/Ms: DL, G, SP.
Dec. 31 - Morning: Ms: DL
Afternoon: Ms: F.
Evening: Ms: PA, SP.
Dec. 30 - Afternoon: Es/Ms: DL, ES, F, G, PA.
Dec. 29 - Afternoon: Es: EI, G, F.
Evening: Es: SP, YL.
Dec. 28 - Afternoon: Es: G. EI, SP.
CE6TK - Mario
F - France - 03.01.21
The special event station TM8AA commemorates the issue of the first callsign in France (8AA in 1921). QRV from January until June 2021 on 80-6m.
VK - Australia - 03.01.21
Grant, VK5GR ( will be active again as VK5KI from Kangaroo Island (OC-139) on 11-22 January. He plans to operate holiday style on 80-6 metres CW, SSB and FT8, "possibly with some RTTY and PSK thrown in for fun". QSL via M0OXO's OQRS.
Z8 - South Sudan - 03.01.21
Diya, YI1DZ is QRV as Z81D from Juba. He is active on 80 to 6 meters using SSB and FT8 in his spare time. QSL via OM3JW.
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