Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Mar. 16-22, 2021
Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)
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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, ARRL DX bullettin, DXNL.
Mar. 21 - Afternoon: Tep: TT8SN, TR8CA.
Mar. 20 - No reported opening.
Mar. 19 - Morning Es/Ms: EA.
Afternoon: Es/Ms: DL, on. Tep: TT8SN
Evening: Tep: TT8SN.
Mar. 18 - No reported opening.
Mar. 17 - Morning: Es/Ms: EI.
Afternoon: Es/Ms: DL, LA.
Mar. 16 - No reported opening.
Mar. 15 - No reported opening.
PP2RON - Ronnan
WK9W - Willis Island -21.03.21
Ed, VK2JI communicates the following progress on the VK9HR:
"DXpedition to Willis Island in November:
* A boat has been chartered for the trip.
* Decisions have been made concerning equipment.
* The team is growing, the latest addition being Alan, VK6CQ.
* The team plans to operate on 160-10 on SSB, CW, and digital modes; 6m depending on condx.
The DXPedition is being organised and conducted by the Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia. "
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