Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Jul. 13-19, 2021

Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)

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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, ARRL DX bullettin, DXNL.


Jul. 18 - Morning: Es: 4X, 5B, CT, DL, EA, EI, ES, F, G, LA, LY, OE, OK, ON, OY, OZ, PA, SM, SP, SU, SV, TA, TF, UA, UT, YL, YU, ZB. Esmh: 4L, 9K, BY4/5/6/9, HL, JA2/4/8/9, K0/1/2/4/5/8, TA3/9, UN5, VK3/5.
Afternoon: Es: 9A, DL, ES, G, LA, LY, LZ, OH0, OH, OY, PA, SM, SP, YL,YO. Esmh: 4L, HZ, K0/8/9.
Evening: Es: DL, EI, G, LA, LY, OH, OY, OZ, SM, Sp, YL. Esmh: K8/9.

Jul. 17 - Morning: Es: 4X, DL, F, HA, LA, LZ, OD, OK, OZ, S5, SP, SV, TA, UT, YO, Z3, ZB. Esmh: 9M2, BY7, EA8, HL, JA1/2/3/5/6/9, K1, TZ, UK, VY1.
Afternoon: Es: 4X, C3, CT, DL, E7, EA, EI, F, G, HA, HB, LZ, OE, OK, OM, SP, SV, TK, UT. Esmh: CU, EA8, 9G, K0/2/3/5//6/8, TZ, VY3.
Evening: Es: CT, EA6, EA, TK, YO. Esmh: HI, K4/9, VY1.

Jul. 16 - Morning: Es: 3A, 4X, 9H, DL, EA, F, LA, LZ, OM, SP, SV, TA, TK, HB0, UT, YO9. Esmh: 4L, 9K, BY4, BV, HL, HZ, JA4/6, K1/4, UN7, YI, ZL.
Afternoon: Es: 9G, CN, CT, DL, EA, F, HA, LZ, OE, SP, UT, YO. Esmh: K0/1/5/7, VY2, XE2.
Evening: Es: 4O, TK, YO.

Jul. 15- Morning: Es: 9A, CN, CT, HA, OZ, UT, ZB. Esmh: 9G, K1, TZ, VK6.
Afternoon: Es: 9A, DL, E7, HB, TK, UA, UT. Esmh: 4L, 9G, UA9,TA9, TZ, UN7.
Evening: No reported opening.

Jul. 14 - Morning: Es: 4X, 7X, CT, EI, G, HB, HB0, LA, LZ, OM, ON, PA. Esmh: 4L, BY5, BV, CU, JA0/1/4, HL, K0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9, VY1/2/36, VK2/3.
Afternoon: Esmh: K0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9, XE3.
Evening: No reported opening.

Jul. 13 - Morning: Es: CN, F, LA, LZ, SP, SV, TA, UT, YO. Esmh: 5T, EA, HH, HI, JA7, K4/5, KP2, KP4, P4, TZ, VK6, ZF. Esmh/Tep: ZS6.
Afternoon: Es: 7X, EA, F, S, SV, TA, YO. Esmh: 5T, C6, CO, HI, K1/2/4/5, KP2, TZ, V3, VY1, VP2, XE2, ZF. Esmh:/Tep: ZS6.
Evening: Es: CT, EA, F, G, OH, ON, SM, SV. Esmh: K4.

Jul. 12 - Morning: Es: 7X, CN, CT, EA, G, SV, TK, ZB. Esmh: 5T, A9, AP, BV, JA4/6, K4/8, VP5, VU3.
Afternoon: Es: DL, EA, F, G, HA, LX, LY, LZ, OD, OE, OK, ON, OZ, PA, SM, SP, SV, TK, UT, YL, YO. Esmh: 4L, AP, K0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9, TI, VY4/6.
Evening: Es: CT, EA, EI, F, LA, OK, SM, SP, SV. Esmh: K0/1/2/4/7/8/9, KP4, VY3.


VK2WJ - John


BY - China - 18.07.21

BA4TB and others will participate in the IOTA Contest as B4T from Kaishan Island (AS-135). Before the Contest they will operate CW, SSB and FT8 on 40-6 metres as BI4SSB. QSLs via BA7TB.

CU - Azores - 18.07.21

Jim, W6PQL will be active as CT8/W6PQL from Pico Island (EU-175), Azores from 25 July to 4 September. He will operate FT8 on all bands and SSB on 20 metres; between 1 August and 3 September he will operate 2m EME and tropo. QSL via LoTW, or direct to home call.

GM - Scotland - 18.07.21

MM0NDX, MM0OKG and possibly others will be active as MS0INT from the Summer Isles (EU-092) on 24-26 July. They will participate in the IOTA Contest as GM5DX. QSL via EB7DX and LoTW.

J8 - St. Vincent - 18.07.21

Brian, GW4DVB will be active again as J88PI from Palm Island (NA-025) from 23 July to 1 August. He will operate SSB, FT8 and "if anyone requests it in advance, I'm willing to give it a go on CW". QSL direct to home call (see for PayPal information).

JA - Japan - 18.07.21

Kenji, JA4GXS is QRV as JA4GXS/4 from Otsu Island, IOTA AS-117, until July 17. Activity is on 40, 20, 17, and 6 meters using CW, SSB and FT8. QSL to home call.


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