Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Oct. 26 - Nov. 1, 2021

Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)

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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, ARRL DX bullettin, DXNL.


Oct. 31 - Morning: Es: DL, G, LA, ON, PA, SM, SP, UT, YO.
Afternoon: Es: EA, G, Z3.

Oct. 30 - Morning: Es/Ms: DL, YU. Afternoon: Tep: 9G, V5, ZS6.

Oct. 29 - No reported opening today.

Oct. 28 - Morning: Es/Ms: DL, HA, PA.

Oct. 27 - Morning: Es/Ms: LA, OZ..
Afternoon: Es/Ms: SM.
Evening: Es/Ms: PA.

Oct. 26 - No reported opening today.

Oct. 25 - Morning: Es/Ms: 9A, EA, F.
Afternoon: Es/Ms: EA, S5.
Evening: Es/Ms: G, LA, PA.


PY5KD, Luciano.


3DA - Eswatini - 31.10.21

Lionel, ZS6DPL will be back on the air as 3DA0LP between Nov. 1 and 5. For QSL information see

VK9D - Norfolk Island - 31.10.21

Nick, VK2DX has moved permanently to Norfolk Island (OC-005), and is now active as  VK9DX.  QSL direct  to his  work address  in Sidney  (Nick Hacko, Suite 403 Level 4, Culwulla Chambers, 67 Castlereagh St, Sydney,  NSW 2000, Australia); see for LoTW instructions.


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Federico Massa è editore di periodici culturali e fondatore del JobOk Project, attività che contempla numerose iniziative per la promozione dell'arte, della cultura e dell'artigianato.
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