Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Mar. 1-7, 2022

Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)

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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, ARRL DX bullettin, DXNL.


Mar. 6 - Morning: Tep: ZS4/6 (South Italy). Afternoon: Es/Ms: DL, PA.

Mar. 5 - Morning: Es/Ms: DL, EA. Tep (Mostly in south Italy) FR1/4, ZS6.
Afternoon: Tep: (Mostly in south Italy) FR1/4, ZS6.
Evening: Tep: PY1/2, LU (IT9 area).

Mar. 4 - Morning: Es/Ms: 5B, TA, HA. Tep: ZS6.
Evening: Tep: PY1/2 (IT9 area).

Mar. 3 - Morning/Afternoon: Tep: ZS6 (Mostly south Italy).

Mar. 2 - Afternoon: Es/Ms: DL, F, HB, PA.
Evening: Tep: PY1 (IT9 area).

Mar. 1 - No reported opening today.

Feb. 28 - No reported opening today.




YS1AG, Andres.


5V - Togo - 07.03.22

Andy, KB9IJI is now active as 5V7JA. He wrote: "My roots are in SSB and a little CW but at this distance from most stations, I'm starting with digital weak signal modes to get a sense of propagation and messaging capabilities". QSL via eQSL or LoTW.

C5 - Gambia - 07.03.22

Don, G3XTT will be active again as C56DF from The Gambia on 9-18 March, including an entry in the RSGB Commonwealth (BERU) Contest on 12-13 March. He is most likely to operate CW only, and to focus on 30, 17 and 12 metres outside the contest. QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS, or via G3XTT.

D4 - Capo Verde - 07.03.22

Look for D4K to be QRV in the ARRL International DX SSB contest. There may be some 6 meter activity before and after the contest as well. QSL via IZ4DPV.


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