Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Nov. 4-10, 2024
Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)

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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, ARRL DX bullettin, DXNL.


Nov. 10 - Morning: Es: EA,GM, PA, TK. F2: 4S, 9V, A6, EX, HC2, HK3, K1, UK9, VK2/4/6/8, VU2/3, XV9, YB0/1/2/3/4/5/9. Tep: 5Z.
Afternoon: F2: 5Z, 9V, HS0, JA6, LY3, TR8, VK6/8, YB1/3/9. Tep: 5Z.
Evening: Tep: FR.


Nov. 9 - Morning: F2: 4S, A4, A6, AP2, EX0, VU2.
Afternoon: F2: BY4, HS0, PY2/7, VK8, VU2. Tep: TR.
Evening: Tep: PY2.


Nov. 8 - Morning: F2: 3B8, 5Z, BY4/7, BV6, DU0/2/9, EX, HL3, JA0/1/4, KH0, PA, TR, UK, UN7/8, VK6, VR, XV1/9.
Afternoon: Es: F, G. F2: K1,VY3. Tep: 3B8, ET, TR8, ZS6
Evening: Tep: 3B, D2, PY2/3/5, ZS6.



Nov. 7 - Morning: Es: 4U1. F2: BY1, JA1/4, K1, KH0, UN2/9, VY1, XV9.
Afternoon: Es: 9A, TF3. F2: K1/4/5/7, TG, TZ, VY2, XE2.
Evening: Tep: ZS6.



Nov. 6 - Morning: Es: SV, YO. F2: 5Z, 9M6, BY0/1/3, HL1, DU6, EX0/8, EY8, JA6/8, JT1, K1, KG6, UK8, UN0/7/9, VU2, XV9.
Afternoon: F2: K3/4/5/8/9, PY7, VY1, ZS6.



Nov. 5 - Morning: Es: 9H, DL, EA. F2: 4S, BY0/7, DU1/2, HL2, JA6, JT1, UN2/7, VK5, VU2, XV9.
Afternoon: Es: K1/3, BY4, XE2.



Nov. 4 - Morning: Es: 9H, EA6 F2: BY0/1/4, K1, KH0, VU2, XV.
Afternoon: F2: 4S, K1/2/4, TI, XE2.
Evening: Tep: 5R, 5T. Lp: JA6.


3D2Y - Rotuma - 10.11.24

6 meter terrestrial and eme plans. The team plans are "to make every effort to  hand out  as many 6 meter QSOs  as possible".  The team  will arrive  on
Rotuma on 15 November, and will be on the air through 3 December.
"6m EME operations will be captained by Don, N1DG, and all of our EME operators will be remote.  Our 6 meter EME schedule will be published in advance. Working EME with a  small team DXpedition  is a challenge,  by utilizing our remote team  we can  leverage their  expertise  resulting  in a  much better opportunity to make as many EME contacts as possible.
6 meter terrestrial operations will be manned  by a mix of local  and remote operators. We will monitor PSK Reporter  and the ON4KST Chat room  for openings.  We are able to receive notifications  of potential openings  in realtime.  Our  primary terrestrial  FT8 frequency of operation  on 6 meters  is 50313. We will QSY as needed".
The DXpedition is dedicated to the memory of Bob Allphin, K4UEE  (SK 10 February 2024),  "the most prolific DXpedition leader  of our generation".  See   and  for updates.

CE - Cile - 10.11.24

Team 3G7X  (namely CE3CT, CE3SPR, CX6DRA, KQ7W, LU9FVS  and  LW6DG) will be active from Chiloe Island (SA-018) on 15-30 November. They plan to be QRV on  160-6 metres "all modes",  and to participate in the CQ WW DX CW Contest as XR7X. QSLs via LoTW.

DU - Philippines - 10.11.24

DU0A  is the  new vanity call  that was issued to  Tim, 4F1GN  (aka 4G1G, NP4TT, N4GN)  on  6 November.  He  plans  to use  it  "almost exclusively" from now on.  "We are currently building a competitive contest station  here at DU0A",  he says,  "where we hope  to start breaking some  regional records.  Our first  big operation  will be during CQ WW DX CW in November, where we will have a strong team of operators in the multi-single category".  QSL via LoTW (preferred), or direct to KU9C.

E5 - Raratonga - 10.11.24

LZ1GC and LZ5QZ operate from Rarotonga as E51SGC between the 6th and 24th. QSL via LZ1GC, ClubLog OQRS. OC-016; 3D2, VITI LEVU AND VANUA LEVU GROUP: Theo, PA3CBH, stays on Fiji from Nov. 8 until Dec. 12 and has received the callsign 3D2TP. Watch out for him on HF (CW, SSB). QSL via homecall.

FS - Saint Martin - 10.11.24

Team TO9W  (K9EL, K9NU, W9AP and W9MR)  will be active  again  from Saint Martin (NA-105) from  30 November  to  13 December. They will operate  CW, SSB,  FT8/FT4  and  RTTY  on  160-6 metres  with three stations. QSL via LoTW, Club Log's OQRS (preferred),  or via W9ILY. See for more information.

FY - French Guiana - 10.11.24

Rikk, WE9G will be active as FY/WE9G from Matoury, French Guiana on 15-23 November.  This  will be  a  SO2R  (Single Operator  2 Radio) operation on  80-6 metres.  He will operate mostly  FT8  ("SuperFox when on the higher bands and  MSHV when on the lower bands"),  plus some CW, SSB and FT4.  QSL via Club Log's OQRS , LoTW , or via home call.

HR - Honduras - 10.11.24

Gerard, F2JD will be active again as HR5/F2JD from Copan,  Honduras from late November to late March 2025. He will operate CW, SSB  and FT8/FT4  on the HF bands  and  6 metres.  QSL via F6AJA  (direct or bureau);  logsearch on

JD1/O - Ogasawara - 10.11.24

Makoto, JI5RPT, operates from Chichijima Isl. as JD1BLY between Nov. 7 and 10m. QRV on 40-6m (CW, SSB, FT8). QSL via homecall, OQRS, LoTW.

JD1/M - Minami Torishima - 10.11.24

Take, JG8NQJ  expects to be back to the  weather station  on Minami Torishima  (OC-073) around mid-November until early March 2025, his QSL manager reports. Usually he is QRV as JG8NQJ/JD1 in his limited spare time. He operates CW  and some FT8 (please note that he wants you to call with your signal report, not your grid square). QSL via JA8CJY (direct), JG8NQJ (bureau) and LoTW.

KH2 - GUam - 10.11.24

Bob, N2OEF, activates POTA locations as KH2/N2OEF between Nov. 6 and 13. QSL via homecall, LoTW.

S9 - Sao Tome - 10.11.24

The Dateline DX Association (DDXA) announces an activation of Sao Tome & Principe for Nov. 11 to 20. The team (Tom N4XP, Roman 5B4AQN, Jorge CT1BOL, Jose CT1EEB, Rigo HI8RD, Max I8NHJ, Kimo KH7U, Angus KJ7KOJ, Ralph K0IR, Al K3VN, Bill N2WB, Mike N6MZ, Dave WB4JTT, and Robin W7YED) will be using the callsign S9Z on 160-10m, 6m, and via 70cm EME. For more information see:

V4 - St. Kitts - 10.11.24

Andy, N2NT will be active on 160-6 metres as  V47NT  from St. Kitts (NA-104) on 17-26 November. He will participate in the  CQ WW DX CW Contest as V47T. QSL for both callsigns via W2RQ.

VU4 - Andaman Is. - 10.11.24

Krish,  W4VKU will be back to the  Andaman Islands (AS-001)  and be active as VU4A between late November and mid December.  He plans to operate  SSB  and  FT8 (MSHV) on  160-6 metres.  QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred for both direct and bureau cards), LoTW,  or direct to W4VKU.  See for more information and updates.



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