Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Nov. 25 - Dic. 1, 2024
Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)
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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, ARRL DX bullettin, DXNL.
Dic. 1 - Morning: F2: DU,JA6,XV.
Afternoon: F2: VU4.
Nov. 30 - Morning: F2: EX0, K1, KG6, UN7, VK2/3/4/5. Tep: 9L, TR.
Afternoon: F2: CO, FG, K0/1/2/3/4/5/8/9, KP4, VE2/3. Tep: 9L, PY7, TL.
Nov. 29 - Morning: F2: K1.
Afternoon: F2: K0/1/9. Tep: 9L
Evening: Tep: 7Q.
Nov. 28 - Morning: F2: XV. Es: DL, EA6, G, ON, PA, SM, YL.
Afternoon: F2: K1, VE3. Tep: C5. Es: 4U, DL, EA, HB, ON, PA.
Nov. 27 - Afternoon: Tep: TR8.
Nov. 26 - Morning: F2: XV
Afternoon: Tep: C5.
Nov. 25 - Afternoon: F2: VE1
Evening: Es/Bs: EA, S5.
9L - Sierra Leone - 01.12.24
A large group of members from the Provencal Radio Club F6KOP will be operating as 9L5A between Nov. 27 and Dec. 8 on 160-6m (CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8) and via QO-100. QSL via F5GSJ, OQRS. For more information see:
JA - Japan - 01.12.24
Take, JI3DST will be active again as JS6RRR from Miyako Island (AS-079) from 4 December to 31 March 2025. Other callsigns to be used include JI3DST/6, JJ5RBH/6, JR8YLY/6 and JS6RRR/6, as well as JI3DST/p, JJ5RBH/p, JR8YLY/p and JS6RRR/p on FT8. QSLs via Club Log's OQRS; QSOs will be made available for Club Log Matching on the IOTA website.
KH0 - Northern Mariana Is. - 01.12.24
KH0/JA8VE, KH0/JO1ABS, KH0/W1VX, KH0/WB6Z, KH0D, and NH0E will all be active from Saipan between Nov. 28 and Dec. 3 on 160-6m (CW, SSB, FT8/4). QSL for KH0/JA8VE via homecall; others via JF1OCQ OQRS, LoTW.
TL - Central African Rep.. - 01.12.24
Elvira, IV3FSG, has run into slight delay over her passport and visa, so that she now hopes to begin operating as Tl8ES shortly. She stays in the country until Dec. 9. QRV on 160-6m (CW, SSB, FT8/4). QSL direct via IK2DUW, OQRS, LoTW.
VU4 - Andaman Is. - 01.12.24
Krish, W4VKU has been active as VU4A from the Andaman Islands (AS-001) since 27 November, and expects to remain there until 11 December. He operates FT8 (MSHV) and SSB on 160-6 metres. On FT8, send your grid, as Krish will enable MSHV to filter "received stations based on their distance from VU4", and "to answer the farthest DX first". QSL via Club Log's OQRS, LoTW, or direct to W4VKU.