Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Dic. 2-8, 2024
Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)

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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, ARRL DX bullettin, DXNL.

Dic. 8 - Morning: F2: S7.
Afternoon: F2: VY1



Dic. 7 - Morning: F2: DU0/6, UN9.
Afternoon: F2: VY1.


Dic. 6 - Morning: F2: DU. Afternoon: Tep: 9L, TL, TR.



Dic. 5 - Morning: F2: BY4, DU, VK2.
Afternoon: Tep: 9L, TL, TR.



Dic. 4 - No report today.



Dic. 3 - Morning: F2: 4S, 9V ,HL, JA1, UN7, VU2, VU4, XV,YB2.
Afternoon: Tep: 9L, TL, TR.



Dic. 2 - Morning: F2: VY1.



3D2 - Rotuma Is. - 07.12.24

Greg, W6IZT, the 3D2Y DXpedition leader is working hard with the licensing authority TAF Fiji to ensure that all operators, including those working remote, are in possession of a valid Rotuma operating permit.


DU - Indonesia - 07.12.24

Hannes, OE1SGU/OE3SGU  will be active as  DU1OE  from  Luzon Island (OC-042),  Philippines on  10-27 December.  He will be QRV on  40-6 metres all modes. QSL via Club Log's OQRS (direct), LoTW and eQSL.


CO - Cuba - 07.12.24

A team (CO6OU, CO6RK, CO6SDY, CO6VV, CO6XDX, CO6XX, CM6EZ, CL6AX) is going to put Cayo Santa Maria on the air with the callsign T46W until Dec. 10 on 160-6m. QSL via LoTW.

FY - French Guiana - 07.12.24

Joe, OZ0J  will  be active as  TO0J  from  French Guiana  on  20-31 December.  He will operate FT8, CW and SSB on 80-6 metres.  QSL via Club Log's OQRS (preferred),  LoTW,  eQSL,  or direct to home call. See for more information.

J7 - Dominica - 07.12.24

Team  J75K  (namely FM5WD, IK3ZAQ and IV3JVJ)  will be active  from Dominica (NA-101) from 26 December to 4 January.  They will operate SSB, CW and FT8/FT4  on  160-6 metres.  QSL via LoTW,  or direct to IV3JVJ;  logsearch on Club Log.  See for more information.

VP2V - British Virgin Is. - 07.12.24

K2KW, AG9A, KD4D, and K5PI operate together as VP2VMM between the 8th and 18th, including the ARRL 10m Contest (Dec. 14/15). QSL via KU9C.



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