Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - 6-12, 2025
Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)

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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, ARRL DX bullettin, DXNL.


Jan. 12 – No reported opening today.


Jan. 11 – Morning: Es/Ms: G, LA, SP, YL. F2: VK3/6.

Afternoon: Es/Ms: DL, LA, OH, OZ, SM, SP, YL.


Jan. 10 – No reported opening today.


Jan. 9 – No reported opening today.


Jan.8 – Morning: F2: JA3/6, XV.


Jan. 7 – No reported opening today.


Jan. 6 – Afternoon: Tep: 9G.


5N – Nigeria – 10.01.25

Members of the Rebel DX Group expect to be active as 5N9DTG from Nigeria “for up to 3 weeks” starting the third week of January. QSL via Club Log’s OQRS. After that, they will go to South Africa “to take care of our expedition vessel and pack most of the equipment for southern ocean voyage”. []

FG – Guadeloupe – 10.01.25

Jeff, VA3QSL, activates Guadeloupe between the 9th and 26th as FG/VA3QSL on 40-6m (CW, SSB, digital modes). QSL via homecall, LoTW.

PJ4 – Bonaire – 10.01.25

Masumi/JA3AVO, Nakasako/JA3UJR, Jusei/JA3IVU, Kunio/JA1CJA, Shozo/JA3HJI, and Hiroko/JH3PBL, all of the JA3 DX Vacation Group, activate the PJ4G QTH between Jan. 13 and 20 with the callsign PJ4JA on 160-6m (CW, SSB, digital modes) and via satellites. Some group members may use their US callsigns individually: JA3AVO (PJ4/W7AVO), JA1CJA (PJ4/AE6XY), JA3IVU (PJ4/K1TAI), JA3HJI (PJ4/W3HJI), and JH3PBL (PJ4/W7PBL). For more information see:

T8 – Palau – 10.01.25

JA6EGL and JE6KFN will be paying Koror Island a visit between the 10th and 16th and operate as T88SM and T88XK on 160-6m (CW, SSB, digital modes). QSL via JA6EGL; JE6KFN, LoTW.

TG – Guatemala – 10.01.25

Dwight, VE7BV will be active again as TG9BBV from Guatemala on 10-28 January. He will operate CW, SSB and possibly FT8 on 40-6m. QSL via home call and LoTW.

TY – Benin – 10.01.25

Gerard, F5NVF, will be active holiday-style between Jan. 10 and April 2 as TY5C on 80-6m (CW, SSB, FT8). QSL via F5RAV.

VP5 – Caicos Is. – 10.01.25

John, N0VOF, and his sons WD5JR and KJ5CMP will be active from Providenciales Isl. as VP5/homecalls until Jan. 16. QRV on 80-6m (CW, SSB, FT8), also from various POTA references. QSL via homecalls.

VU – India – 10.01.25

Team AU2V (namely (VU2RS, VU2TT, VU3DXA, VU3GDS, VU3TPW and VU3WEW) is planning a DXpedition to Sacrifice Rock (AS-161). This challenging island and highly sought-after IOTA group was activated only once, back in January 2002.
The team has received informal approval from local authorities and is awaiting formal confirmation to proceed, with the activation tentatively planned for the second week of February. “We have two CW operators and four SSB/digital operators”, Sarath, VU2RS says, “ensuring that we can run three stations simultaneously, if permitted, or two stations round the clock. We’ll be using a range of antennas, including a 40-6m beam, 6 and 10m beam, and verticals, to ensure maximum coverage and efficiency”. Donations to help offset the significant costs can be sent via PayPal to sarath[@] A website is apparently under construction at QSL via M0OXO’s OQRS.tres with three stations. QSL via Club Log’s OQRS, or via DL2AWG; QSOs will be uploaded to LoTW three months after the DXpedition.



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