Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Jun. 18-24, 2019
Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)
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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, 50 MHz DX News by OZ6OM, ARRL DX bullettin, Dxcoffe, DXNL,, ICPO, MMMonVHF, OPDX,
Jun. 23
Morning: Es: 4O, DL, EA, F, G, HB0, LA, LZ, OD, OK, OZ, PA, SP, SV, TA, UT, YO. Esmh: 4S, TR8, 9G, VY1.
Afternoon: Es: CN, CT, DL, EA, F, G, SV. Esmh: 9G, EA8, HI, TR8, K1/4/0, XE2.
Evening: Es: CT. Esmh: XE2.
Jun. 22
Morning: Es: DL, F, G, LA, LY, OH, PA, SM, SP, SV, SV5, SV9, TA, UT, YL, YO. Esmh: 9K, 9M2, BY4, JA4, K1, VYE1/2.
Afternoon: Es: CN, CT, EA, F, T7. Esmh: EA8, K1, VY2.
Evening: Es: CT, F.
Jun. 21
Morning: Es: 4X, DL, EI, F, G, LA, OD, OH, SM, SP, SV, UT, YL. Esmh: 4S, 9M2, K9
Afternoon: Es: DL, G, HB9, ON, SV. Esmh: 9G, K0/5/8/9.
Evening: Es: LA, OH, OZ.
Jun. 20
Morning: Es: 4Z, CT, DL, E7, EA, F, G, LX, LY, LZ, OH, ON, OZ, PA, SP, TA2, UA, UA9, UT, YL, YO. Esmh: 9K, 9M2, A4, BV4/6, JA5/6, K1/4, KP4, TY2, VE1/2, VR2, VU2, KP4.
Afternoon: Es: F. Esmh: K1/2, FG, KP4.
Evening: Es: 9A.
Jun. 19
Morning: Es: DL, EI, ER, ES, G, HA, LA, LY, LZ, OH, OK, OZ, SM, SP, SV, UT, YL, YO. Esmh: 4S, EA8, EX, K1, UK8/9, UN, VE1/2.
Afternoon: Es: 4O, 4X, 5B, 7X, DL, EA, EI, ER, F, G, HA, HI, LA, LZ, OH, OK, OM, OY, SP, SV, SV5, SV9, T7, UT, YO, Z3. Esmh: 9G, K1/4, KP4, VE1/2, WP4.
Evening: Es: CT, DL, EA, EA6, EI, G, OY, OZ.
Jun. 18
Morning: Es: CT, DL, EA, EA8, EI, F, G, LA, LY, OD, OH, ON, OZ, PA, SP, SV, TA1/6,UT. Esmh: 4S, 9M, BY3/4, BV, E8, JA6, K1, UN3/6/7, UK8, VE1, VU2.
Afternoon: Es: CT, EA, EA6, EA8, F, G, LA, OH, T7, TA6. Esmh: K4, 5T, 9G, TZ, TR, K4, UK8/9, UN3/6/7.
Evening: Es: EA, CT, ZB. Esmh: CU, EA8, FG. 9Z.
Jun. 17
Morning: Es: 9A, CT, DL, EA, ES, F, G, HA, LA, LY, LZ, OH, OM, OY, OZ, SM, SP, SV, UT, YL, YO, Z3. Esmh: BV4, EA8, JA1/3/4/6, TA6/9, TR, TZ, VR2, VU2/3.
Afternoon: Es: 4O, DL, EA, F, G, HA, HB, LY, OH, OK, PA, S5, SM, SP, SV, TA, YO, Z3. Esmh: 9G,
Evening: Es: DL, LA, OH, OZ.
ZL1RQ, Alan
JD1 - Ogasawara - 21.06.19
JA2GQT, JA2KGT and JA2MET are QRV as JD1BPK, JD1BPL and JD1BMG, respectively, until June 23. Activity is on 40, 30, 20 and 6 meters using CW, SSB and FT8. QSL to home calls.
K - U.S.A. - 21.06.19
Oleh, KD7WPJ will be active from Santa Rosa Island (NA-144) on 28-30 June. "Main goal is rare grid CM93 activation on 6 metres", he says, but "in addition, it will be HF QRP CW operation on standard IOTA frequencies".
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