Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Aug. 6-12, 2019
Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)
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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, 50 MHz DX News by OZ6OM, ARRL DX bullettin, Dxcoffe, DXNL,, ICPO, MMMonVHF, OPDX, &
Aug. 11
Morning: Es: 4O, 9A, 9H, C3, DL, EA, EA6, EI, F, LA, LZ, OH, OZ, PA, SP, SV, TA, TK, UA, UT.
Afternoon: Es: 4X, 7X, DL, EA, EA6, ER, F, G, LA, LZ, OH, OK, OZ, PA, SM, SP, SV, UT, YL, YO, YU.
Evening: Es: C3, DL, EA, EI, F, G, HB, LA, ON, OY, PA, SM, UT. Esmh: 9K.
Aug. 10
Morning: Es: 4X, 5B, 9H, EA, EI, LA, PA.
Aug. 9
Morning: Es: DL, F, G, LA, OH, OZ, PA.
Afternoon: Es: HB, LA, T7.
Evening: Es: LX, F.
Aug. 8
Morning: Es: 5B, DL, EA, F, LZ, OE, OZ, PA, SV, TA.
Afternoon: Es: G, OH, OH0, ON, PA, SM, SP.
Evening: Es: ES, G, LA, OH, OH0, OZ, SM, YL.
Aug. 7
Morning: Es: 4U, CT, EA, EI, F, G, LZ, S5, UT. Esmh: K1/2/3/4.
Afternoon: Es: CT,DL,EA,F, Esmh: CO, EA8, K1/2/3/4, ZF.
Evening: Es: EA, G.
Aug. 6
Morning: Es: DL, EA, F, G, LX, OK, ON, OZ, SM, SV, TA, UT.
Afternoon: Es: 5B, DL, F, G, OZ, SM, SV. Esmh: KP4.
Evening: Es: EA, F, G, OZ. Esmh: CY9C, K1/2/3/4/5/8/9, KP4, VY1/2.
Aug. 5
Morning: Es: CT, EA, F.
Afternoon: Es: G.
Evening: Es: G, LA, SP.5
We are very sad to know that EA3LL, Josè, is passed away. This picture - taken in 2016 - show he (on the left), IK0FTA, Sergio (in the middle) and EA3AKY, Josep (EA3LL son).
C2 - Nauru - 10.08.19
Yuris, YL2GM, Kaspars, YL1ZF, Kristers, YL3JA, and Jack, YL2KA plan to activate Nauru (OC-031) between Sept. 16 and 25. QRV as C21W on 160 to 6m on CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8. QSL via YL2GN, ClubLog OQRS.
H44 - Solomon Islands - 10.08.19
Michael, DL2GMI has been assigned the callsign H44MI (and H40MI) for his visit to Solomon Island/Manaoba between August 23 and September 3. All gear is packed, including spare parts for Bernhard's H44MS amplifier. They'll be active together on 80-6m on SSB and FT8. Log will be uploaded only after Michael's return. QSL via DL2GMI.
JA - Japan - 10.08.19
Ichy, JH7IPR plans to operate as JH7IPR/7 (IOTA AS-206) on Aug. 9 and 10. QRV with a focus on 40 and 20m (FT8, some CW), when possible, he also plans to show up on 6m. QSL via bureau, ClubLog.
T30 - Western Kiribati - 10.08.19
Operators Yuris, YL2GM, Jack, YL2KA, Kaspars, YL1ZF and Kristers, YL3JA will be active as T30L from September 6 to 15. Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters, and possibly 60 meters, using CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. QSL via YL2GN direct or via ClubLog.
UT - Ukraine - 10.08.19
Fred, DH5FS, Janek, DM3JAN, Henrik, DG0LFF, and Dima, UT8LN plan to work from the Ukraine (WW Loc. KN38gr, URFF-0018) during the Perseids 2019. QRV between the 12th and 15th as EM44T on 6m and 2m on MSK144 and FSK441, on 70cm (FSK441) but also on HF. They also want to participate in the MMMonVHF Sprint Contest. QSL via DH5FS.
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