Sixitalia Weekly Info Page - Aug. 20-26, 2019

Daily Report (Opening reported in Italy, and some interesting reports from EU and North Africa)

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To realize this Bullettin Sixitalia use news (except when clearly indicate) extract by (in alphabetic order): 425dxn, 50 MHz DX News by OZ6OM, ARRL DX bullettin, Dxcoffe, DXNL,, ICPO, MMMonVHF, OPDX, &


Aug. 25

Morning: Es: 4X, 5B, 9A, DL, EA, EI, ER, ES, F, G, HA, LA, LZ, OE, OH, OK, ON, OZ, PA, UA, SM, SP, SV, SV9, TA, UT, YL. Esmh: UA9.
Afternoon: Es: EA, EI, F, G, LA, OH, OK, OY, PA, SM.
Evening: No reported opening.

Aug. 24

Morning: Es: 4O, CT, DL, EA, ES, F, G, LA, LZ, OH0, OH, OK, OZ, PA, S5, SM, SV, UT, YL. Esmh: JA1/6/7 (hrd I6, IT9 area).
Afternoon: Es: 9H, CT, DL, EA, EI, ES, F, G, LA, LZ, OH, OK, OM, OZ, PA, SM, SV, UT, YL, YO. Esmh: K1 (hrd)
Evening: Es: 9A, G.

Aug. 23

Morning: Es: DL, EA, G, HA, LA, LZ, OJ0, OH, SP, SV, UT. Esmh: JA0/1.
Afternoon: Es: LY, LZ, OH0, OH, OJ0, OK, OM, SP, UT, YL, YO.
Evening: No reported opening

Aug. 22

Morning: Es: CN, CT, DL, EA6, F, G, LA, OZ, SP, UT. Esmh: EA8, JA1/3/4/6/7. Very late season opening with JA from OZ, S5 and Italy.
Afternoon: No reported opening.
Evening: No reported opening

Aug. 21

Morning: Es: 5B, DL, F, SP.

Aug. 20

Morning: Es: DL, EA, F, HA, LA, LZ, OM, OZ, SP,UA, UT. Esmh: 9K.
Afternoon: No report.
Evening: Es: DL, SM, OH.

Aug. 19

Morning: Es: 5B, DL, EA, F, HA, OE, OJ, OH, SP, UT. Esmh: 9K.
Afternoon: Es: DL, F, OH0, OH, OJ0, UT.


HA3HV, Pal.


A2 - Botswana - 24.08.19

Lins, PA3CMC, sent us this mail:

"Hello all,
All members of the team are prepairing for the upcomming 8 band EME DXpedition to Botswana.
We have added an QO100 satellite station, made by John ZS6JON.
More information is on my website
I have added also a A21EME photo album. From now on this will be updated regularly
If you want to sponsor us, you can find that information on the website.
All sponsers will get automatically there QSL card.
See you via the moon or/and satellite from Botswana.

Ribbie-Chies A21EME Team

John ZS6JON, Bernie ZS4TX, Andrew ZS6AVH, Paul ZS6NK, Dan HB9Q, Chris PA2CHR, Lins PA3CMC".

FO/M - Marquesas Is. - 24.08.19

Members of the CAN-AM DXpedition Group (namely F6BCW, K4UEE,  K5PI, VA7DX, VE7KW, W5MJ, W5RF and W5SJ) will be active as TX7T from Hiva Oa, Marquesas Islands (OC-027) on 6-17 November. They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 (Fox & Hound)  on  160-6 metres.
QSL via M0URX's OQRS  and LoTW.  See for more information, band plan included.

H4 - Solomon Is. - 24.08.19

Michael, DL2GMI and Bernhard, DL2FAC are QRV as H44MI and H44MS, respectively, until September 3.  Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using SSB and FT8. QSL to home calls.

J6 - St. Lucia - 24.08.19

Bill, K9HZ is QRV as J68HZ from Labrelotte Bay, Castries, IOTA NA-108, until October 4.  Activity is on 160 to 2 meters using CW, AM, SSB, RTTY and FT8.  QSL direct to home call.

KL - Alaska - 24.09.19

A group of operators plan to be QRV as KL7RRC/p from Sledge Island, IOTA NA-210, from August 27 to September 2. Activity will be on 40 to 6 meters using CW, SSB and various digital modes.
QSL via N7RO.

S7 - Seychelles - 24.08.19

W7GJ, Lance, wrote (edited):

" This is just a reminder that in***ONLY FOUR WEEKS***from today, I will leave on my next 6m EME DXpedition - this time to La Dique Island in the distant Seychelles Islands. All the details are on my web page here:

Yesterday, I purchased the ferry tickets to and from La Dique Island, finishing all the transportation arrangements. The planned operating schedule is shown on the revised links on the above web page. I hope to be QRV on 6m EME by my moonrise at 2045Z on Saturday September 21. I plan to install the antenna just shy of 24' above the ground, which allows me to elevate to 65 degrees. Please note that my moon gores higher than 65 degrees after September 25, so I probably will not be QRV on EME during those periods. Hopefully I will have worked the Region 1 and Region 3 stations before then anyway Of course, Region 2 stations will only have a common moon window near my moonset (except for KL7 and KH6, which I hope to work during my moonrise when the moon finally rises above the mountain to my northeast).
Today I finished refitting all the 6M8GJ element mounting clamps for #10 stainless steel hardware and engraved them all with identifying codes and the colors of the elements that go into them:

Further details about these modifications can be found at the bottom of this page:

In the coming days, I will be hooking up all the equipment, testing it, and then moving it directly into the suitcases for transit with me to S79. I urge you to carefully read the S79GJ DXpedition webpage and the referenced links for information on how to contact me. Please note that, because of the very limited common moon windows, I will be giving priority to North American stations as soon as their moon rises. Further updates will be made to the above web page, as well as posted to the Magic Band EME email list.
I hope to give many of you an ATNO on 6m! GL and VY 73, Lance

Lance Collister, W7GJ"

SV5 - Dodecanese - 24.09.19

Bernie, DJ5MN is QRV as SV5/DJ5MN until August 28. Activity is on 160 to 6 meters, including 60 meters, using CW and SSB.  QSL to home call.

... -.-

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